Welcome to Scala. Type "@tutorial" to view the tutorial. Edit startup.cmd to configure initial settings. | JI version of Hanson's 19 out of 53-tET scale | Scala version 2.25l Copyright E.F. Op de Coul, the Netherlands, 2008 | 0: 25/24 70.672 classic chromatic semitone, minor chroma 1: 25/24 70.672 classic chromatic semitone, minor chroma 2: 648/625 62.565 major diesis 3: 25/24 70.672 classic chromatic semitone, minor chroma 4: 250/243 49.166 maximal diesis 5: 648/625 62.565 major diesis 6: 25/24 70.672 classic chromatic semitone, minor chroma 7: 25/24 70.672 classic chromatic semitone, minor chroma 8: 128/125 41.059 minor diesis, diesis 9: 25/24 70.672 classic chromatic semitone, minor chroma 10: 648/625 62.565 major diesis 11: 25/24 70.672 classic chromatic semitone, minor chroma 12: 25/24 70.672 classic chromatic semitone, minor chroma 13: 128/125 41.059 minor diesis, diesis 14: 25/24 70.672 classic chromatic semitone, minor chroma 15: 25/24 70.672 classic chromatic semitone, minor chroma 16: 648/625 62.565 major diesis 17: 25/24 70.672 classic chromatic semitone, minor chroma 18: 128/125 41.059 minor diesis, diesis 19: 25/24 70.672 classic chromatic semitone, minor chroma | Interval class, Number of incidences, Size: 1: 11 25/24 70.672 cents classic chromatic semitone, minor chroma 2: 7 27/25 133.238 cents large limma, BP small semitone 3: 7 9/8 203.910 cents major whole tone 4: 7 125/108 253.076 cents semi-augmented whole tone 5: 15 6/5 315.641 cents minor third 6: 12 5/4 386.314 cents major third 7: 6 125/96 456.986 cents classic augmented third 8: 13 4/3 498.045 cents perfect fourth 9: 11 25/18 568.717 cents classic augmented fourth 10: 11 36/25 631.283 cents classic diminished fifth 11: 13 3/2 701.955 cents perfect fifth 12: 7 25/16 772.627 cents classic augmented fifth 13: 12 8/5 813.686 cents minor sixth 14: 15 5/3 884.359 cents major sixth, BP sixth 15: 9 125/72 955.031 cents classic augmented sixth 16: 10 9/5 1017.596 cents just minor seventh, BP seventh 17: 7 15/8 1088.269 cents classic major seventh 18: 11 48/25 1129.328 cents classic diminished octave Highest number of different intervals for one interval class: 4 Average number of different intervals per interval class: 3.44444 = 31/9