Below is a list of all of the albums currently hosted here.

Microstock 2013 - Neil Haverstick and the Microtonal Power Trio!
Winter in Tumultua by City of the Asleep
Transfinity by City of the Asleep
Angels & Ions by Jon L. Smith
macrotonz by F. F. F. Fiale
The 2011 Xenharmonic Praxis Summer Camp Concerts One and Two - a microtonal experience
Fretless by Neil Haverstick
Other Worlds by Neil Haverstick
Heptadecaphilia by Chris Vaisvil
Exotic Atoms by Chris Vaisvil
Conscience by Chris Vaisvil

Detwelvuate! by Ivor Darreg (4 track teaser and purchase info)
The World Harmony Project - Music and more from Denny Genovese, Dave Hill and Jules Siegle
Tútim Dennsuul Wafiil - {Parágrafos Ksentonales}

Chris Vaisvil's microtonal and otherwise music blog